Elixir Supplier

Chapter 511 - Who Could I Speak to?

Chapter 511: Who Could I Speak to?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Most animals had much sharper senses than human, such as an eagle’s vision, a wolf’s hearing, and a dog’s nose.

San Xian was behaving strangely. He was very unsettled.

“What’s wrong, San Xian? Is there anything wrong here?” Wang Yao asked.

Woof! Woof! Woof! San Xian was pulling Wang Yao’s sleeve by his teeth.

“Do you want to me leave?” Wang Yao asked.


“Just wait a second,” Wang Yao said. He jumped into the marsh land. He wanted to have another look at the pine tree.

Woof! San Xian walked around the marsh land for a moment and then jumped inside. His sixth sense told him it was dangerous in the marsh land and that he shouldn’t jump inside. However, his master was inside, so he decided to follow his master.

Nothing dangerous happened. However, San Xian was still unsettled.

The pine tree was dying. Wang Yao had even watered the pine tree with ancient spring every day, but he couldn’t stop it from dying.

Why is this happening? How come I have never noticed anything wrong here before?

He hadn’t been to this hill on the west side often. The areas he didn’t felt right were all hiding in the corners. Additionally, it never occurred to Wang Yao to look for unusual areas on the hill.

He went to another hill where he had found problems. The pine tree there was the same.

Maybe there is something wrong with the soil? Wang Yao took a sample of the soil and placed it into a plastic bag. Let me get it tested somewhere.

Woof! Woof! Woof!

“Alright, San Xian, stop barking. We are leaving.” Wang Yao patted San Xian’s head with a smile.

He and San Xian soon went back to the herbal field.

“You don’t need to stay here all the time. Go and play.” Wang Yao patted San Xian’s head with a smile. He then left Nanshan Hill.

Professor Lu and Qi Wan had been waiting for him outside the clinic.

“Hello, have you been waiting for long?” Wang Yao asked.

“No, we’ve just arrived,” Professor Lu said.

Qi Wan took off her hat and scarf after she had entered the clinic. She looked better than yesterday.

“How are you today?” Wang Yao asked.

“I feel much better,” Qi Wan replied.

She was telling the truth. She had experienced fatigue, pain, lack of appetite, vomiting, insomnia, and edema since she was diagnosed with renal failure. All her symptoms reduced after she had taken the decoction given by Wang Yao and received his massage therapy. She felt stronger and less nauseous. She had also slept much better the previous night.

It was unexpected that only one treatment session could make such a big difference. She was now convinced of Wang Yao’s extraordinary medical skills. Her hope for recovery had also raised. She saw the silver lining in the darkness.

“Good, I’ll give you the same treatment today. Take the decoction first,” Wang Yao said.

He gave Qi Wan the same two decoctions, Muscle Revitalizing Power and Organ Pacifying Powder. The latter was created by Wang Yao himself. It meant that the decoction could bring peace to five organs.

Wang Yao massaged Qi Wan for 20 minutes after she had taken the decoction to stimulate her body.

So comfortable! Qi Wan thought. She fell asleep again, even though she kept reminding herself not to fall in sleep in Wang Yao’s clinic. However, she was too tired. She had been feeling exhausted for too long. One night of good sleep apparently couldn’t fix her exhaustion. She slept for over two hours.

The heat was on, so it was not cold in the room.

Wang Yao made professor Lu a cup of tea.

“Thank you,” Professor Lu said.

The tea seemed to taste better this time. Professor Lu could see the change in Qi Wan, which was obvious. It gave him hope that Qi Wan might be able to recover. As long as there was a hope, there would be a way. He felt slightly relieved.

“Thank you, Dr. Wang,” Professor Lu said.

“You are welcome,” Wang Yao said. He received a message from his bank that Professor Lu had paid the treatment fee. He had paid for both decoctions.

All the doubts and hesitation were gone. They decided to go ahead with the treatment.

“Sorry, I fell asleep again.” Qi Wan was a bit embarrassed when she woke up.

“Not at all, did you sleep well?” Wang Yao asked.

“Yeah, very well,” Qi Wan replied.

“Come back tomorrow,” Wang Yao said.

“OK,” Qi Wan said. She then left with Professor Lu.


In a Chinese Quadrangle in Beijing, a maid was reporting to her master.

“Ma’am, it seems that Miss Su has something on her mind,” the maid said.

“I know,” Song Ruiping said with a sigh.

Su Xiaoxue had been recovering really well. She could move her arms and even walk a few steps holding onto the wall. This really thrilled the whole family. Her father came back to Beijing right away after hearing the good news. He was in an extremely good mood. He had dinner at home and even made an exception to have a glass of wine.

However, Song Ruiping was starting to worry about Su Xiaoxue’s mood. She smiled less and less and always stared blankly through the window. She apparently had something on her mind.

Song Ruiping knew what was on her daughter’s mind. What can I do?

“Could you please ask Chen Ying to come here?” Song Ruiping asked.

“OK,” the maid said.

After a short while, Chen Ying arrived at Su Xiaoxue’s house.

“Ma’am, is there anything you want me to do?” Chen Ying asked.

“Have you spoken to Dr. Wang lately?” Song Ruiping asked.

“No, do you want me to contact him for Miss Su?” Chen Ying asked.

“Yes,” Song Ruiping said.

“Ma’am, I have a suggestion that you might want to consider,” Chen Ying said.

“What is it?” Song Ruiping asked.

“Maybe you could take Miss Su to see Dr. Wang in Lianshan. Miss Su has been stuck in the house for a long time, so she might enjoy a trip. Then, she could see Dr. Wang for further treatment. Miss Su has been recovering well. Dr. Chen also mentioned that she should get out of the house,” Chen Ying said.

“Well...” Song Ruiping had actually thought about this before. However, it had been very cold lately. She didn’t want her daughter to catch a cold. “I’ll think about it.”

“Is there anything else you want me to do?” Chen Ying asked.

“No,” Song Ruiping replied.

“OK, see you, Ma’am,” Chen Ying said.

Song Ruiping went upstairs to see her daughter after Chen Ying left. Su Xiaoxue was sitting in a wheelchair looking at the sky. She seemed to be lonely.

Song Ruiping felt a bit sorry for her daughter. “Xiaoxue.”

“Mom?” Su Xiaoxue turned around with a big smile on her face.

“You silly girl,” Song Ruiping whispered. “What’s on your mind.”

“Nothing,” Su Xiaoxue replied.

“Do you feel bored staying at home all the time?” Song Ruiping asked as she took her daughter’s hand.

“No,” Su Xiaoxue said.

Her answer made Song Ruiping sad. I worry too much. It only matter if she’s happy.

“How about I take you out?” Song Ruiping suggested with a smile.

“Out? Where?” Su Xiaoxue asked.

“Haiqu,” Song Ruiping replied.

“Haiqu?” Su Xiaoxue’s eyes suddenly lightened up.

“I’ll take you to Dr. Wang’s village so that he can take a look at you. What do you think?” Song Ruiping asked.

“That’s great,” Su Xiaoxue happily said. She had looked forward to this trip for a long time.

“I’ll speak to your father first,” Song Ruiping said.

Su Xiaoxue had a big smile on her face.

“Silly girl!” Song Ruiping rubbed her daughter’s head gently.

“You want to take Xiaoxue to Haiqu?” Su Xianghua asked with surprise after he had come back from work. “Is Xiaoxue fit enough for the trip?”

“I’ve consulted Dr. Chen. He said Xiaoxue will be fine. In addition, Haiqu is not that far from Beijing,” Song Ruiping replied.

“OK, I’ll arrange the trip,” Su Xianghua said.

“Keep it low profile since this is our personal business,” Song Ruiping said.

“I know, but I need to make sure you two have a safe trip,” Su Xianghua said.


Wang Yao quickly visited Lianshan town center in the afternoon. He wanted to get the soil sample he took from the hill on the west side analyzed in the laboratory. After talking to the laboratory manager, he didn’t think the laboratory in the town center was well-equipped to give him the results he wanted. Therefore, he didn’t leave the soil there. He then drove back to the village.

While getting out of his car, Wang Yao bumped into Sun Yunsheng, who was out for a walk. “Mr. Wang.”

Wang Yao wasn’t sure when Sun Yunsheng had started to call him Mr. “Having a walk?”

“Yep. You went out?” Sun Yunsheng asked.

“Yeah, I just went to the town center,” Wang Yao said as he looked at Sun Yunsheng. Maybe he knows somewhere I can get the soil analyzed. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” Sun Yunsheng said.

“Does your father’s company work with any universities or research centers?” Wang Yao asked.

“Yeah, what do you want me to do?” Sun Yunsheng asked.

“I’ve got some soil sample here. I want them to be analyzed in a well-equipped lab,” Wang Yao said.

“I see, leave it to me,” Sun Yunsheng replied.

“OK, thank you,” Wang Yao said.

“You are welcome. This is nothing,” Sun Yunsheng said.

After he had arrived home, Sun Yunsheng contacted a university in Dao right away. He arranged for someone to take the soil to the university overnight.

It was cold the next morning but sunny. It was a nice day.

Wang Yao had an unexpected guest in the clinic. It was a young woman with short hair. She looked neat and pretty but very thin.

“Hi, what brings you here?” Wang Yao asked.

“Am I not welcome?” Guo Sirou teasingly asked with a smile.

“Of course you are welcome here. Please take a seat,” Wang Yao said. “You’ve lost some weight. How have you been? Busy working?” He could tell she didn’t feel well. She looked tired.

“I just came back from Africa,” Guo Sirou said.

“Africa? You went to travel around the world?” Wang Yao asked.

“Yeah, I just want to look around and relax,” Guo Sirou replied.

“I see. Have some tea.” Wang Yao made her a cup of tea.

They were like two old friends who hadn’t seen each other for years. They had a pleasant chat, but Wang Yao could tell there was something going on.

“You seem to have something on your mind,” Wang Yao said.

“You are right,” Guo Sirou said after taking a sip of tea.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Wang Yao asked.

“Not really, but thank you,” Guo Sirou said with a smile. Want Yao could sense some sadness in her words.

While they were chatting, Professor Lu brought Qi Wan to the clinic.

“Can you wait for me for a while?” Wang Yao asked.

“Sure, take your time,” Guo Sirou replied.

Wang Yao gave Qi Wan the decoctions to take and then gave her a massage. This time, Qi Wan didn’t fall into sleep, even though she really wanted to sleep.

“You don’t need to try so hard to stay awake,” Wang Yao said with a smile. Qi Wan could barely keep her eyes open.

“I’m fine, I’ll go back to take a nap,” Qi Wan replied. She was embarrassed that she had fallen asleep in the clinic twice. Plus, Wang Yao had a guest today.

“OK, keep warm on your way back,” Wang Yao said.

“I will,” Qi Wan said.

“What’s wrong with her?” Guo Sirou asked after Qi Wan had left.

“Renal failure,” Wang Yao calmly said after taking a sip of tea.

“You can cure renal failure?” Guo Sirou asked with surprise.

“I’m trying,” Wang Yao said.

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